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"I can't say enough good things about IT Professional Services.

We never have to wait any length of  time for service.  The best part about ITPS is our virtual Chief Information Officer (CIO) who sits down with us to figure out what we want.  We include him in our budgeting process like the other department heads.  He give us different options, different costs and so on.  He includes us in the process to figure out what is best for us and what price we can work with."

Leslie DeMattia, Director of Operations
Ventura Missionary Church

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IT Professional Services, LLC
9452 Telephone Rd #183
Ventura, CA 93004-2600

tel. (805) 650-6030
fax (805) 650-1835


Windows Server 2003 End of Support Date

The Microsoft Server 2003 (including SBS 2003) end of support date (7/14/2015) will be here sooner than we think. Don't wait to discuss your plan with us.

That means that you should take action soon. After July 14, 2015, there will be no new security updates, non-security updates, or assisted support options from Microsoft.

Don't put your data at risk

Security risks

Running Windows Server 2003 in your environment after their end of support date might expose your company to potential security vulnerability risks, such as  viruses, spyware, malicious software (malware), phishing, and identity theft, which can steal or damage your data and information. Anti-virus software will also not be able to fully protect you once Windows XP itself is unsupported. 


If your company must meet compliance regulations such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, etc., which might may result in a failure by an internal or external audit body, leading to suspension of certifications.

Software and Hardware Support

Many independent software vendors (ISVs) are unlikely to support new versions of applications on Windows XP.  Many software and hardware vendors will no longer support their products that run on Windows XP.  This means third-party software and hardware might lose security or support.

Lack of Technical Support

Online and phone-based technical support from Microsoft will be discontinued on April 8, 2014, meaning you and ITPS will no longer be able to get first-party assistance when problems arise.

Help with Migrating from Server 2003

Ready to make the switch from Windows Server 2003?  No worries—we’re already migrated several organizations like yours.  We're here to help.

More Information

Microsoft Support Lifecycle

Professional Services

If you need assistance migrating to replacements for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Office 2003, IT Professional Services can help. Please contact us.

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